Chase Bank

Just tried this for my android phone works well now can go back to snoop as my main finance app with all my data together

Thanks for getting this resolved


Just added my Chase current, savings accounts and round-ups and it works well


Connection works however I cannot see any transactions prior to march. Is this a known issue?

Hi @solidsnake thatā€™s certainly not a known issue and we should get a full account history.

It would seem likely that we only got 90 days of transaction history for you - which would normally mean something went wrong with that initial connection process. Basically banks often only give access to the full history for the first few minutes after a connection - after that they only make 90 days of data available in each refresh that we do.

We donā€™t see any obvious errors that suggest you experienced a problem, but did you notice anything unusualā€¦ did you have to complete the process twice for any reason?

We can ask Chase to investigate this for you if you are happy for us to do this - Iā€™d just need you to drop us a line from the app (or email directly to Otherwise removing the Chase account and adding again from fresh might fix it.


Didnā€™t see anything unusual while adding the account. I just tried removing and adding it again but I still donā€™t see anything prior to 17th March. Iā€™ll send an email

Iā€™ve just connected my account and looks like the balance call went through fine but there were no transactions showing, I tried again and it worked the second time so I donā€™t know if the first call hit some sort of server error or something?

Hello another bug, my transactions initially showed in the wrong order with some sort of showing duplicated (hard to describe but as I scroll it goes back through May and April with the same transactions), also similar to the above poster it only goes back 90 days.

Edit - re the wrong order, it only did this the first time I looked so maybe just a bug while they were still being pulled, looking now the issue with the order and dupes are gone.

Hi @Willjesuis Iā€™ve sent you an email about this.

Thanks for raising it


Iā€™m also seeing round up transaction being suggested as bills

Thanks @solidsnake - good spot.

Iā€™ve implemented a change this morning that means no new bills will get created for the ā€˜Round-upā€™ merchant.

To remove the ones that have already been created for you, just tap on any one of them and hit the ā€˜trash canā€™ icon next to the name. On the pop-up message that appears, select ā€˜Ignore this merchantā€™ and it will remove all at once for you.


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Hi everyone.

Chase implemented a new Open Banking release this morning (27th June) which should have addressed the occasional issue where only 90 days of transactions are shared. As per your example @solidsnake .

We had a few other reports of this in the first couple of weeks but we are not sure exactly when this was happening. It was fully outside of our control though.

If you had this problem and want to see a longer account history in Snoop, you need to fully remove all Chase accounts from within Snoop and then start the connection again. If you have any problems after this, please do let us know?


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Thank you! Itā€™s working now and I can see all transactions since inception

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