End user API for our own data

Getting access to the open banking api is not a simple process for a solo dev just wanting their own finance data. My life would be greatly simplified if i could have a live feed of my snoop data available via a JSON api or similar.

I would happily pay for the 4.99 a month plus plan if it included this. Im just fed up of snoop not having the features i need in my personal finance management app compared to an actual accounting package.

Setting up a company, paying for FCA supervision and other requirements seem excessive just to get open banking feeds for my own damn accounts, but i dont see how else to do it unless a company like snoop will provide the data to users directly. If anyone knows a provider offering what im looking for, please let me know. I have too many accounts to be logging in manually and downloading csv files to import every day.


As you probably know, our Snoop Plus product includes the ability to get a full download of all transactions each day. I know you mention that’s not the solution you are looking for.

We don’t have any plans to introduce an API for this data access.


Lack of APIs is clearly a very good reason to avoid Snoop, CreditKarma or Plum. Still MoneyHub does provide it.

Keep in mind that exporting your data is required by law. Providing an API is not, but it does show how much the company is looking for you as a customer versus you being the product!

Sorry, guys. Deal breaker for me. It’s a shame - you’ve built a nice product. Account cancelled and app removed.