Switching credit cards - what happens to transactions on my old card?

As the title says, I’m transferring to a new credit card so once the old card is deactivated I’m hoping I won’t lose all the transaction and categorisation history in Snoop for that card? Is there anything I need to do or in any particular sequence to ensure nothing in Snoop is broken as part of my card switch?

Hi @freddyq

You can either mark your old account as closed or remove the account, please note that marking the account as closed will allow the data to remain on your Snoop account, but the balance would be reset to £0. To mark an account as closed select the account then click the three dots in the top right corner and change account status to closed.

All the best,

Great, thank you Sarah! I take it removing the account would also remove all the historical transactions from Snoop?

Hi @Gav

Yes if you were to remove the account it will delete the historical transactions. So if you want to see these I would advise to just mark the account as closed.

All the best,

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I deleted an account and regretted it. Ever since my net worth over time is wrong