Snoop Savings Accoint

Considering that spaces, money banks, savings pots are a major feature that cause people to need to pull in account balances from other providers like Starling Zopa chip and other banking institutions that don’t support automated data sharing.

I’m very surprised that the Snoop savings account does not offer This functionality Out of the gate.

If it offered this and the ability to track each individual pot space or money bank directly in the Snoop app. This would make it a killer of all of those apps.

I would happily swap .1 or .2% reduction in interest rates to be able to track all my savings in one place.

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Hey @Andrew, thanks for sharing this with us! Be assured we will take this into consideration. Our priority was to get our savings account out there for our users and we’ll now certainly be looking at ways to develop it.

Thanks again for sharing!

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