Payments hub ideas

Hi there, the payments hub is great. A few ideas to make it even more useful:

  • Let us link payments which you haven’t flagged as monthly - e.g. if we’ve switched to a new provider and paid annually
  • Add more categories or allow us to set custom categories - e.g. gym membership
  • Support custom reminders, e.g. to remind me when a trial period ends
  • Support related reminders - e.g. for car insurance I also want a reminder when my MOT is due

Thanks for the great ideas @daniel2000.

We will continue to enhance the payment hub over the weeks and months ahead. Look out for our next release in the next 2 weeks for the next iteration.

I’ve shared these ideas with the whole team as we think about where to take this next.

Thanks for taking the time to share :smiley:

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Morning team,

In the Payments Hub, we can sort the list of Regular Payments alphabetically and by value, but are there any plans to list them by date in the month so we can see them in sequential order and see what’s coming up next? I know I asked a very similar question about the paid versus upcoming payments and showing them by calendar month too.

Also any plans to split by frequency - I’m not a huge fan of having my annual payments mixed in amongst my monthly ones although I still want to see them - perhaps just separated?




Hey @charlwillis,

Hope you’re well!

From the release after next (either just before or just after Christmas - tbc), we’ll provide the option to filter your Regular Payments by ‘upcoming’.

And on frequency, at the moment the Hub is designed to show all frequencies together, but in future, the monthly breakdowns (paid vs outstanding) and calendar views will help break this out. So this will hopefully work for you.

Thanks as always for your feedback - Cara

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Thank you @Cara!

These updates sound like they tick all my boxes so I’m looking forward to them already :blush:

Keep up the great work team!

(and for @PaulL 's benefit, you’ll be pleased to know I’ve ditched Emma for good :wink:)



Amazing news :blush::champagne:

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Hi Charlotte - I’m genuinely super-happy that Snoop’s delivering what you need. We’ve come a long way since those early workshops back in Waterloo! Hope all is well with you. :+1:

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The Payments hub carousel highlights money spent with each provider since account was opened with that provider.

I’d prefer to see money spent in last 12 months.

For accounts that are less than 12 months old perhaps an annualised figure may be useful.

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Hey @o99 - thanks for your comments. We’re always looking to improve the app based on what our customers want and will feed your thinking into that process.

Have a great weekend!


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I am super impressed with today’s app update. Lots of the requests I’d made about the Payments Hub now in place (viewing in date order, adding one off insurance payments, etc) all there and I love them! I’ve already linked everything.

Well done team! Hope you all get some rest over Christmas and I look forward to more Snoop excitement in 2021. :star_struck:


Same! Great to see our ideas implemented so quickly.


Hey @daniel2000 and @charlwillis - thank you for the feedback and support :hearts: It’s great to hear that you think the new features are true to what you wanted :slight_smile: that’s certainly what we hoped to achieve!

Wishing you both a very Merry Christmas, and a happy 2021 :christmas_tree:


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It would also be great if we could link non-direct debit regular spending such as a standing order for those companies such as Eon that don’t seem to work with Monzo Direct Debits just yet!

Hi @Saaj that should already happen. With DD’s we can make them appear in your list of regular payments immediately.

However with card payments, bank transfers etc, we have to be a little more selective otherwise all adhoc spending would be appearing in that list. We wait to see a pattern of at least 3 payments via these payment methods. If we see 3 similar payments then it should appear in your list.

If you are missing any that have had 3 payments - please drop us line at and we will certainly check this out for you.


Hi. I’m finding the payments hub really useful. One issue though is that not all regular payments are expected to be the same value every month. e.g. credit cards where I pay the full balance by direct debit each month.

Would be great to flag this somewhere so I don’t get alerts flagging that a payment has changed when this is expected.

Thanks @daniel2000 this is great feedback and something we’ve heard from others too.

We have some big upgrades planned on how we produce alerts about fluctuations in payment amounts. We will certainly be factoring in this feedback when we start to work on this.


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Hello Snoop team,

I recently switched bank accounts and as expected, the switching process took care of all my DDs and SOs.

However since the switch I’m getting LOTS of ‘payment failed’ emails from many of my recurring bills where the payment was on the debit card linked to the account I switched from. But because they were card subscriptions instead of DDs, they weren’t switched. So I’m now having to go through all my recurring payments (thank goodness I can see the whole list in Snoop! Phew!) and set up new payment details for each one which is a major hassle. I’d never realised so many of them (17 in fact) were set up this way.

It’s not something I’d ever had to think about before but something Snoop could help with if possible - separating the Bills section into DDs, SOs, and card subscriptions, so that it’s really clear to see what’s what, not only for switching purposes but also if you lose and freeze a card, or for when the card expires and is changed, etc. There are basically lots of reasons you might have to differentiate between recurring bills that are coming straight out of a bank account and those that are just regular card subscription payments.



Hi @charlwillis - what a pain!

I’m glad Snoop was able to help you with this process by showing all your regular bills. I understand what you mean about the ‘type’ being something you can see more easily and sort by.

This is a great idea and certainly something we can consider in future. One reason why we don’t do this at the moment is not all banks provide reliable and consistent data that ensures we can always spot the ‘type’ of transaction. Obviously if the account in question is a credit card, that’s fine. However we do have a few problems with certain current accounts.

However, more often than not, we can get this right so it’s something we could do.

I’ve shared the idea with the team for future.


On a similar line, if we could manually link transactions when Snoop fails to / you change utility company. Stop it saying “was expected July 5th” on one transaction and showing a second regular payment for same thing.

Hi @meedavid - this one you might be able to do already… if I’ve understood you correctly! :wink:

If you change supplier and you get a new regular payment appear in the list of ‘Your Bills’. You can tap on the card for the service in question (to go into the details for the ‘old’ supplier).

Form there, then you can tap on the card that is mid-way down that screen that says ‘Switched your X provider?’. Tap that option to pick from the list of bills, and this will close off the old supplier and attach the new one to the card.

Does that help?
