Deleted Accounts

Aftert deleting an account, it’s transactions still appear in Explore, Regular Payments and they’re messed up.

Example, 2 accounts added, both with regular payments to octopus energy. Account A monthly payment 50. B, 100. Account B now deleted.

Snoop shows 2 regular payments, summary says A 100, B 100. Go into A and view transactions, none for 100, all 50.

Go into B, all but one of the figures (such as spend in 2020) are 0 including number of transactions.

Doesn’t just affect transactions where the same company is in both accounts. A doesn’t have any talktalk transactions, B does. Explore shows talktalk with the correct regular payment for B. As above, go into detail and it’s all 0.

Hi @ToBAS we are aware of the deleted transactions still showing in the regular payment section and in some cases, the totals we use on specific Snoops.

Both of these issues will be resolved shortly and I’ll post on here to confirm.

The transaction should not show in other sections of explore (such as the category view).


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