Category Reports

Hi all, is there any way to run a report on a category to give you total spend in a particular month? Ok t would also be good if you could have a filter so you can see what card has been used.

For example, how much have I spent on groceries in November?

Kind regards

Hey @EynsfordLad, thanks for posting!

This is certainly possible, and is part of the spend reports feature. From the Snoop home screen, select spend analysis/paycycle spending and scroll to the bottom to select ‘create custom spending report’. Then you can select a custom date range - in your case, the 1st of the month to the final date - and choose which bank accounts to include in the report. Once you’ve created the custom report, you can view your total spend by categories and view the transactions within each category.

It’s worth noting that on the free version of Snoop, you’re limited to creating only three spending reports, but as part of our Snoop Plus subscription, you’ll have access to unlimited reports, as well as a range of other budget enhancing features. Click on the pink shield icon at the top of the home screen to find out more.

Many thanks,

Jumping on this bandwagon, are there any plans to allow custom reports by category? At the moment we can select dates or bank accounts for custom reports. But I want to see a report on one category and what I’ve spent in it month on month (without having to click out of the category, select a different month, and go back into the category).

Any plans?


Hi @charlwillis no plans right now, but I’ve certainly shared the feedback.


Thanks @paul_k.