- Yes we agree about this page. In fact we’ve already made various improvements to this in our next release. We ideally wouldn’t have this page at all, but we’ve had various problems with how certain banks handle the redirect back to our app, so we’ve had to introduce our own page in the middle of the process to ensure it works and helps customers who get ‘stuck’ between the apps. The new page will look a lot nicer!
2 & 3. We have a plus button on the homepage and in the settings screen, but right now we disable this whilst accounts are importing. We just did this initially to ensure our platform was stable during the import process, however we are already planning to change this very soon to allow multiple accounts being added at the same time.
Currently we only refresh data with your bank 4 times per day. In a few weeks time we will introduce an ‘on demand’ refresh.
For some reason Revolut recently changed their open banking process to not allow their customer to turn off the non-GBP accounts when they connect. We are not sure why, but I’m sure they have a reason! We don’t actually control that part of the process. We’ve also spotted a problem where we don’t make it clear which accounts are non-GBP, so we will address that. Also we will be introducing the ability to rename any account as required in the next few weeks.
Yes, remove account is in development right now. Watch this space.
Yes we received your Crash Report and we will address this. Again this is related to a Revolut specific problem associated with the non-GBP accounts. They are the only bank that currently provide this data so we need to improve our processing on it. Thanks again for spotting this one.
Thanks, we’ve had feedback on this and we will address in future.
Starling is coming soon and in development now. Please keep an eye here for updates: Which banks are supported by Snoop?
I’ll pass this feedback on to the Snoops team
Thanks we’ve not seen that one before. We will investigate.