Parent and child

Is it possible to group catagories to create a parent group.

E.g. i set up the following catagories in snoop: emergency fund, holiday fund, car fund, ISA.

These all could be money being set aside for savings. I would like the ability to group these into " savings". Which a bufget could be set on group ( parent) level or catagory ( child) level. So i could set a monthly budget for “savings” as 400, with each child with a budget of 100

Finally, also have the ability to run reports on a catagory or group level.

Other use ls could be larger groups as “fun”, with cinema, bowling, takeaway as the children under that group.

Would love this for a greater budgeting functionality


Hi @Qars - right now this isn’t possible in Snoop - you can only create categories at the same level and report on those.

I understand why you’d find this functionality useful though, and I’ll certainly share with the team so they can consider for the future.

Best wishes,


I have been thinking about this for a long while.

I think it would be really good to be able to report on the ‘bill detail’.

I think this would get over the above issue, as it would allow for granular reporting. The over arching category could be utilities, which you can current report on.

If you added the facility to be able to report on the existing bill detail, I think this change would solve the issue and could be a small change as the grouping for bill types is already present, reporting is the next logical development.

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Please - this would be SO useful and was a feature in other apps previously (e.g. MoneyWiz)