New Snoop Savings tile?


A brand new Snoop Savings tile appeared yesterday on my homepage, pushing my Total Net Worth and account totals to the right.

  1. I was a little surprised to see the tile quietly appear. I had to go back to a Snoop email from 9th Sept announcing the launch of a new Savings account, but have I missed some recent fanfare iof its launch?

  2. is there any way to hide this new tile? I’m not in the market for a new Savings account right now but I can’t seem to make the tile go away, and now I see one less account at the top of my homepage, having to scroll or show all linked accounts to see my totals at a glance. Maybe I’d like to revisit it in the future so I’m happy it’s accessible from somewhere in the app, but putting it in the location it’s in and not being able to remove it is annoying! :laughing:

Many thanks!

It is easy to resort the order, I move sll my unwanted tiles to the far right. But with a 4% return on easy access, its a great savings account. I swapped all my Kroo savings into it. It also pays the interest daily.

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Hi @charlwillis this is a very new feature and we’ve not announced it to everyone yet (this will come after Christmas).

If you’ve not opened an account, you can remove this from the accounts section at the top of the screen by tapping the pencil and then selecting the option from the ‘manage accounts’ screen.

As @Mike1 has pointed out, once you have an account it’s also possible to change the order so you can move this to the right below some of your connected accounts or Net Worth, if you wanted to do that.

Great to hear you are happy with the account Mike - thanks for trying this out.


Thank you! Ah, I found the slider to toggle the tile on/off in Manage Accounts, thanks!

I agree it’s a competitive account and I’ll revisit if/when I need a new savings account.


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