New Release! 8.1 (Highlights and Android Dark Mode Beta)

Hi everyone!

Very pleased to say that our new 8.1 release has gone live on both iOS and Android :tada:

8.1 contains the following:

  • A new personalised ‘Highlights’ timeline - which will share the most important things happening across your accounts (and beyond) that affect you and your money. This has replaced our old ‘Alerts’ feature.

  • Updates to the Bills section in response to your feedback - you can now dismiss the Bill Warnings from the top of your Bill Timelines if you don’t want to see them for the remainder of the month.

Let us know what you think of the new features :muscle:

Psst… Android customers… this release also contains an extra bonus just for you… :eyes:

The sun might be coming out but we’re embracing the dark: our Dark Mode Beta is here! :night_with_stars: :first_quarter_moon_with_face:

We know this is something you’ve requested for a long time and now we’d love your help in making it as brilliant as it can be. You can join the Beta from within the Snoop app - simply head to Settings and tap Dark Mode to enable it and then let us know what you think

(iOS users - your time will come soon!)


I’m really enjoying Dark Mode @tom.player. It’s much easier on the eyes, especially when reading longer Snoops. I’ve not encountered any problems or strange visual artefacts. Thank you!

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Thanks @Martin, that’s brilliant to hear!

Offline account > Automatic balance update > Edit > Day

Hi @R520 thank you for sharing this display issue with us!

I’ve share the picture with the wider Snoop team so this can be addressed.

All the best,