Custom reports to include categories not just accounts


Would it be possible to select categories rather than accounts when setting up a custom report? I know I can delve into the categories once I create the report but it’s clunky and would be smoother if I could select categories at the set up - especially since there is no option to save the report.

This would allow me to track annual spend easier. For example on my transport category when fuel comes out of one account and repairs and mechanics spend comes out of another.

Many thanks


I agree, that would be a good option. Also the ability to save a custom report would make things slicker. I have to click 5 buttons every time i want to see my spending report for the current year. Over a year I guess that is 1,460 wasted clicks, which adds to the chance or RSI


Thanks for the feedback @Kc4tea and @Mike1

We don’t have those options right now, but certainly great ideas for the future.


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