Bills timeline/protector alert icon

Hi team,

Im a big fan of all the new Bills functionality including the new Bills Protector added to the timeline! Thank you!

But I’m struggling with the alert icons that appear on an account either if a bill that month has increased/decreased or if I’m not going to have enough money to cover the bills from that account this month. And that’s the issue - those two things require different things from me and yet are both alerted using the same one exclamation mark icon on the account.

If a bill amount has changed, that’s interesting but may not require any action especially if it’s only changed by a small amount. As long as I can still cover my monthly bills including this price change then all good.

BUT if I can’t cover my bills that month, I want to know about it now and it requires immediate action from me! For me it’s very different to a bill amount change and yet I can’t tell which one it is!

If I see an alert icon on an account, first I have to scrolll down to the bottom of my month to see if there are bills uncovered (because that’s my priority), and if there aren’t then I scroll back up again and scroll sideways to see bill increases/decreases. (I confess I rarely read the Snoop Alerts on the home screen so I accept there may have been an alert there telling me what I need to be looking for but I check my bills pretty frequently so I need to be able to tell from the Bills screen rather than waiting for an alert message).

So my ask is whether there’s any chance you can separate the alerts for these warnings? A different icon perhaps? A way to tell between them at a glance? I hoped I’d get used to it but I really can’t!

Thank you!


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Hi Charlotte,

Thank you very much for your detailed feedback on this. As you mentioned we do show these as alerts on the home screen which you can click on and they will take you to the relevant section of the app. However, I can appreciate that different icons would also be helpful for a quick glance rather than going through the alerts. The feedback has been shared with the development team and we will take this onboard when we update the app as we greatly appreciate hearing from our customers with suggestions such as this.

All the best,

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Thank you @Sarah_J!

And I got a new reason for the same alert today: that one of my deals is ending! But of course I had to scroll down to see that and it took me a while to work out what it was alerting me to! So another different icon??

Hi Charlotte,

Thank you for suggesting the alert icon for a deal ending also. Just to note at the very top of your bills timeline there will be a tile that shows the bill that has changed and whether this is an increase, decrease or if it is expiring. However, I have shared this with the team alongside your previous suggestions. We greatly appreciate your feedback on this elements of the app!

All the best,

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I love the Bill Protector updates, and the changes to the alerts - so useful and very much appreciated! Thank you! Being able to dismiss alerts of interest puts me back in control, and then using the exclamation mark just for those I might not be able to pay feels much more intuitive. Great updates - thank you!

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Hi @charlwillis,

Thanks so much for your feedback on our updates to our bill protector feature and we’re glad to hear the ability to dismiss alerts is a welcomed addition too!

I’ve shared your words with the wider Snoop team and so please do continue to share your feedback with us.

All the best - Charley