Argos card

My argos card just won’t register. I’ve doubled checked the log in details and it just won’t recognise the user name ???

OK. So I’ve got the store card…didn’t know they did a credit card. Can we add store cards ? As newday are the provider???

Hi @Dickymint, ah yes, we do find some customers get caught out by the Argos card set up - confusingly I think they call the store card and credit card similar names? Sorry about that.

At the moment, store cards can’t be added to Snoop. But we’re working on the feature to enable customers to add manual accounts to Snoop, so when that’s ready you’d be able to add your Argos Store card that way.


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Hello @Cara, I don’t personally have any Argos cards myself, but stumbled across this thread.

If NewDay really are the provider, as @Dickymint says, then presumably you could fairly easily add them to Snoop as you already support other NewDay cards and the API would be the same?

Potentially worth doing, along with making sure all the other NewDay brands are covered?

Hey @Seb

Unfortunately NewDay doesn’t have anything to do with the non-credit card, and store cards in general don’t fall under the scope of Open Banking so we don’t currently have any way to connect with them.

We hope this will change in future as providers allow access, but right now we can only connect to the Argos Credit Card (not the store card).


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Sorry, I mixed-up the two and thought that NewDay did the store card!

Oh well.