An update on Starling And Amex

Thanks @Marty

We get a lot of Co-operative Bank customers (and Smile, their other brand) contact us about connecting, so we really hope the bank eventually change their mind. I hope they see how important Open Banking access is becoming to customers.

Ultimately more customers will likely take your example and leave them if they don’t change their stance on this.

The other two similar larger providers are Metro Bank and John Lewis Credit Cards. They have also decided not to develop an API solution (so far). There are obviously a number of smaller providers too, but the above 3 are the most commonly requested for us.

We will certainly keep the pressure on these providers from our side… but the more customers that talk about this to them, the more likely they will take action.

I hope you get on well with your new bank - and you find a good use for the extra money you now have each month :wink:



Morning team!

Having an issue with the Amex connection this morning. I got a ‘one of your banks couldn’t update’ message, worked out it was Amex, went to reconnect it, got the ‘Authorisation granted’ from Amex, but just keep getting this from Snoop.:woman_shrugging:t2:

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Thanks @charlwillis we are aware that something is not right with Amex today and we’ve raised it already.

For many account holders we stopped getting refreshes on Friday afternoon, but we don’t yet know why. No other bank were impacted at the weekend and it appears to not be impacting all Amex customers, but not a small number.

I will update as soon as we have information from them.


Thank you @paul_k.


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Hi Amex users.

As @charlwillis mentioned this morning, we’ve had a problem with our first batch of Amex customers. This is being fixed now and should be resolved during the day tomorrow.

Basically account refreshes are stopping exactly 7 days after the account has been connected. This obviously isn’t supposed to be happening! :man_facepalming:

We have identified the problem and are working on the resolution now. No action is needed by Amex customers - if your refresh has stopped, once we resolve the problem tomorrow our expectation is that refreshes will automatically start again, for all customers.

Apologies for the inconvenience.



Hi everyone - as promised an update on Starling timescales.

We’ve been working really hard to get this in place following the Amex launch a week ago. The current timetable we are working to is as follows:

  • This week: we will be completing a technical release on Wednesday night to prepare for our next wave of features and changes. This release is a preparatory release and no immediate changes will be visible in the app. Tomorrow I will post further details about a small outage on Wednesday night

  • Next week: final technical changes and testing associated with the following release, which will be for Starling and some other new features and improvements

  • Following week (w/c 22nd June): the exact timetable for that week will be published nearer the time, but our intention is to release our next app version and Starling Bank towards the end of that week

As always we are being really open and transparent about our plans, but they are still subject to change. We are committed to only releasing Starling when we are 100% confident it is ready for customers.

Hopefully you can see from the above timetable, we are very close now.

I will keep you updated if anything changes.


To confirm all Amex cards should be refreshing again following a fix this morning.

If for any reason yours is still having problems, please drop us a line at

Many thanks

Hi everyone - we said we were aiming to launch Starling at the end of this week and we are very very close, but I’m afraid we need a little extra time to close off some final things.

The team has been working flat out with testing - and as you can see from the screenshot below, many of us have got our accounts running in Snoop. However, the testing has uncovered a few issues and some further changes and testing has been necessary.

As I mentioned before, we are only going to release a new bank when we are 100% confident everything is working as it should. Due to the unique way we process the spending data to serve our Snoops (and features such as Regular Payments), this is particularly important to get right. I’m sure you can all understand how important this is to us.

We will be continuing to work on this over the weekend and we hope the big switch on will be as early as possible next week.

Thank you very much for your patience and enjoy a hopefully sunny weekend.



Brilliant work Paul and the team.
Definitely best to wait till it’s right for release. No point in letting users have it and then get 100s of complaints or users with issues.
Look forward to the final release


Can’t wait for this to be implemented hopefully this week. Thanks for working so hard Paul and the team.


Today looks to be an exciting day! :smiley: my Starling account has successfully connected. Well done guys!

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Wow @Joe you spotted that in less than 10 mins from us switching on!

I have just posted confirmation and details:
