2 accounts with the same bank

New here trying to work things out.
I have 2 accounts with several banks but when I add the second account, the first one is marked error.

Is there a problem? or can you only have one account with banks?

Thank you

Hi @Bob - we’re working on something at the moment which we hope will make this easier, but for now, we can make a change to your Snoop account which will mean you can add your 2 accounts.

Please could you drop us an email at hello@snoop.app so we can find your account, and we can do that for you?

many thanks

Hi Cara

Can you make the necessary changes to my Snoop account so that I can add 2 separate accounts with the same bank to my Snoop account? Currently the first account added shows as error when the second account has been added.



Hi Clive

We’ve actually made a change recently which will enable you to simply add the second bank to Snoop without the error happening on the first account (just go via the ‘+’ icon in the top right of the home screen to add the same bank again and pick the other account the second time).

It only applies to these banks at the moment:

  • Halifax
  • HSBC
  • Lloyds
  • Monzo
  • Nationwide
  • NatWest
  • Revolut
  • TSB

But we’re working on the others.

I assume you’ve not got one of the above banks as it should just work - but it’d be great to know that for sure?

If it’s not one of those on the list above (or it is and you’re having problems still) please could you drop us a line at hello@snoop.app so we can find your account and get this sorted for you?

Many thanks

Hi Cara,

I’m messaging to find out whether Snoop now supports two accounts being added from Barclays Bank. I’m really hoping so since this post is dated as November 2023🤞

Thank you!

Hi @FranB

Thank you for your message, if you are running into issues connecting more than one account with the same provider please pop us an email on hello@snoop.app and we can take a look in further detail for you.

All the best,