iOS shortcuts

My elderly mother struggles with budgeting so I use snoop to help her see her spending. One of the challenges I have is she will buy things through Amazon or other shopping apps without considering where she is financially.

What would be great is to have some iOS shortcuts that can query snoop or run snoop and show a specific screen/report.

I already have a shortcut that runs when she opens the Amazon app with a simple alert to run snoop. But if I could launch snoop and show her how much she had already spent on Amazon, or show her where she was against budget, that would really help her stay on budget.


Hi @Gav

Thank you for this suggestion, it is not yet something we have planned in for the app. However I have shared the suggestion with our development team as we greatly appreciate hearing from our customers with ideas on new features.

If you have any other suggestions or queries please do let us know.

All the best,