Dark Mode

Small idea and doesn’t bring much in way of functionality but intend to trawl through my snoops at night or early hours and so having a dark Mode is helpful on the eyes. Given Android has this preference as part of the OS, can this be applied to the snoop app?


Hi @Hitesh,

Thanks for your post. Dark mode is definitely something we are planning on getting to eventually, it’s all just a matter of prioritisation and time.




Good idea, as thats where the industry is going.
Dark is good, save being blinded at night!
Please put on a higher priority, love the app well. done


Bonus point if it’s pure black for OLED screens.

At this point I think every app should have dark mode… perhaps apple and android can have an easy API so they can convenient switch modes without the developer having to do it themselves.

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@Ross couple you provide an update to timeline so see whether this would be for this year? I saw from other posts that money management tools are the priority now so doesn’t look like it will be done but would love to hear your thoughts.

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Morning @MBA1413 @To2,

Dark mode is still on our extended roadmap but it’s not something we’re planning on looking at in 2022.

We’re constantly reprioritising based on feedback so this could change but right now the focus is extending the feature set to make Snoop even more useful.



Good to read this thread and to know that Dark Mode is at least on Snoop’s To Do list.
I’d like to add my plea for higher priority on the basis of my suffering from Epilepsy - extended exposure to bright (white) screens can trigger a seizure … something that nearly happened last evening after having spent too long browsing and thinking through a couple of Apps ( one was Snoop) yesterday.
But I want to endorse too the views above. It is a welcome feature in many other Apps. It would be so helpful if this feature had higher priority in 2023.
Thanks guys! Keep up the good work.


Hi @Kavend15h,

Thanks for your post. I completely understand your situation and I’m sorry to hear of this.

At the moment, we’re prioritising other functions and features to improve the Snoop app. However, in instances like yours, I can see how much of a benefit dark mode would be. I’ve gone ahead and shared you situation with the rest of the team, but please be assured this is certainly something we’re looking to add in the future.

Many thanks,

Thanks so much for your response Owen. I appreciate your understanding, and your sharing my concerns with the rest of the team.

Naturally there will be a business model and scheduled priorities. Nonetheless it is heartening to know that a Dark Mode will be something you’re looking to add in the future.

Thank you.

+1 for dark mode please - most similar apps have dark mode available and this would tip the balance between signing up for snoop plus vs monzo plus. user experience is a huge part of these apps, and dark mode is quickly becoming an expected option. many thanks for considering!


+1 for darkmode

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Hi team - do we have an update on this?

Will it be implemented this year?

I am speaking from ignorance but how hard can it be to have dark mode? Doesn’t Apple provide some easy ways to do it?

Some banking apps like natwest have ir and it makes a massive difference.

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Hi @MBA1413 we are not working on this yet I’m afraid.

We’ve been focussing on building out our core app features first and we have a stacked agenda for the next few months. It absolutely is still on our longer wish list, but I’m afraid I still can’t put a timescale to this.

When we do come to do it, we will be looking to do this consistently across the three mobile platforms we natively support (iOS, Android and Huawei).



Just adding my vote to this. Think it is nicer on the eyes.

Thank you.



2024 and still no dark mode… between this slow pace and having trouble seeing how to plan for the next pay cycle I’m not impressed. If it takes all these years for dark mode to be worked on, I don’t think I’ll be keeping premium. Glad I saw this board.

Hi @magnate.bolls_0 we get lots of feedback everyday on all sorts of ideas and features.

We are a small team and we have to prioritise based on a number of factors - customer feedback is always the highest thing on that list, but there are also commercial drivers for our business, regulatory changes, security changes etc.

We’ve had feedback on dark mode for the last few years but it’s not reached the top of our priority list so far. We’ve chosen to develop out a whole range of features in that time. We completed over 340 production releases last year and I’m very proud of how many changes we have delivered throughout the year for such a small team. So ‘slow pace’ is not something we suffer from in my view.

I’m sorry we’ve not yet got to this feature which is important to you and I know to others. It’s not because we don’t think it’s important - we’d love to do it today if we had no constraints. We intend to get to this eventually, but I can only be honest about our need to make prioritisation choices every day about what we focus our limited resources on.

If you need any help with the 2nd thing you mention (planning for next paycycle), just drop us a line at hello@snoop.app.


Calling any Android users - download our latest app update (8.1) to join our Dark Mode Beta!

More details can be found here: New Release! 8.1 (Highlights and Android Dark Mode Beta)

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Hello everyone - just to say the Beta version of Dark Mode is now available in our iOS app too.

You just need to get the latest version from the Apple app store (8.4) and you can find the option to turn this on in the settings part of the app.

Let us know what you think?


Are there plans to implement a dynamic app icon based on whether device dark mode is enabled?

Hi @leep

Thank you for your suggestion on a dynamic app icon for dark mode/light mode. At the moment we do not have this planned in, however I have shared this with our development team as we appreciate suggestions on features/updates for the app.

Please do keep an eye on our in app and email communication as we will make customer aware of new features.

All the best,