Total Spent Since

I’d like to see variable total spent since dates. For example I budget Jan-Dec and it would be good to see spend within that period. I also have a Hilton Barclaycard and if I spend 10k within a specified 12 months, I retain my Hilton Gold status so that would be another option.

With the ability to set the dates, I could check both.
(It’s the figures displayed when you explore the repeating transactions)

Hi there @ToBAS

Thanks for your comments - they make total sense. Enabling you to view your spend and income over a specific period is something we’re keen to do. All being considered for the next phase of Snoop’s money management development.

And your point on the Hilton gold card is a really good one. I’ll chat to the team about that as it’s certainly something we could look at keeping a check on for you in the future.

Really appreciate the thoughts! Hope you have a happy Sunday :sunny:

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