Selectively Exclude Specific Accounts from All Analysis

Hi Snoopers,

I’ve had a good look through this forum but have been unable to find anything that answers my question; perhaps I’m missing something obvious.

Similar to the switch function that allows Snoopers to exclude categories from their spend analysis, is there the facility to selectively turn off/on specific accounts?

I would use this facility to allow me to turn on/off my property assets and associated mortgages (these are set up as offline accounts) to see how they affect my total net worth. However, I don’t want to see them all of the time.

I very much like to use the total net worth feature to compare the overall management of my monthly finances and don’t want to mess up the graph that so perfectly enables me to do this.

My thoughts are that if you can selectively turn accounts on/off, then the graph will recalculate to reflect this?


Click on total nett worth, then click Filter, top right, and click the accounts on or off.

Hope this is what you are after


Haha! Thanks Mike. ‘…wood for the trees…’ :slight_smile:

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