Hi everyone - to prepare for some upcoming new features we will be making some upgrades on our platform on Wednesday 2nd February at 15:00.
We expect the snoop service (both mobile and web applications) to be unavailable for about an hour.
Hi everyone - to prepare for some upcoming new features we will be making some upgrades on our platform on Wednesday 2nd February at 15:00.
We expect the snoop service (both mobile and web applications) to be unavailable for about an hour.
Oops, wrong button!
Thanks for letting us know. Can you tell us which features are next?
Hey @charlwillis !!!
I’m delighted to say that the new PayCycle feature will be getting deployed to the free trial app in the next week or so.
Can’t wait to hear what you think about it,
Hooray! My most long-awaited feature! I’m excited already, and will report back in full. Can’t wait! Thanks @Ross!